Núcleo de Estudos em História Medieval, Antiga e Arqueologia Transdisciplinar
Center for Studies in Medieval History, Ancient History and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
Núcleo de Estudios en Historia Antigua, Edad Media y Arqueología
Rua José do Patrocínio, nº 71, Centro, Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ CEP: 28010-385
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Ancient History , Middle Ages, Archaeology

The creation of Nucleo de Estudos em História Medieval, Antiga e Arqueologia Transdisciplinar (Center for Studies in Medieval History, Ancient History and Interdisciplinary Archaeology) - NEHMAAT aims to develop studies in these areas establishing a relationship with the Modern and Contemporary world as possible, based on cultural practices, social and power relations. The architecture, symbols, rituals, daily life, iconography, politics, urbanization and religious practices are also privileged.

Another approach to Ancient History, Medieval History and Archaeology has interdisciplinary aspect since other areas of human knowledge can contribute to these studies.

The NEHMAAT goal is also to act - through practices of teaching and learning - together with the municipal and state schools in order to facilitate the knowledge of Ancient and Medieval History (Middle Ages) by students through the relationship between ancient time and present time. Moreover, it is the intention to develop non-academic activities in cultural institutions in order to demonstrate the role of Ancient History, Medieval History and Archaeology in our lives and the world around us.

The NEHMAAT website aims to provide research material (books, articles, texts, websites, associations, courses, events, etc.). So that it can assist the faculty and students in research projects and lesson preparation. In addition, this site aims to make public the work of Brazilian researchers in Ancient History, Medieval History (Middle Ages) and Archaeology (preferably in the areas of Ancient, Medieval, Theory and Methodology), and joining the various segments of the various research institutions (Universities). Therefore, we would like the contributions of colleagues.

Julio Gralha

Professor Adjunto em História Antiga e Medieval da UFF - Pólo Universitário de Campos dos Goytacazes (PUCG/ESR).


 Desde 02-Ago-2012

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